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Eyelash/Eyebrow growth treatment

What is Bimatoprost and how does it work?


Bimatoprost is a synthetic prostaglandin analog that resembles and mimics the effects of natural chemicals (prostaglandins) produced by the body, and is used for reducing intraocular pressure (IOP) and increasing the growth of eyelashes. Bimatoprost increases eyelash growth by increasing the duration of the growing phase of the eyelash.


Possible Risks, Complications & Side Effects associated with Bimatoprost


Darkening of the eyelid skin, which may or may not be reversible. Increased brown pigmentation of the iris (coloured part of the eye) which is likely to be permanent and occurs when the medication gets into the eye regularly. Increased hair growth in other areas of your skin that the medication touches is possible.

Common side effects: eye redness (3.6%), itchy eyes (3.6%), skin hyperpigmentation (2.9%) and Irritation to the surface of the eyes.

Other side effects include: Iris colour changes / darkening (very rare), burning sensation (eyelid), redness around the eye, eye swelling, eyelid irritation, eyelid puffiness (oedema), eyelid itching, iris hyperpigmentation, lacrimation increased (increased tears), madarosis and trichorrhexis (temporary loss of a few eyelashes to loss of sections of eyelashes, and temporary eyelash breakage, respectively), rash (including macular, erythematous, and pruritic limited to the eyelids and periorbital region), skin discoloration (periorbital), and vision blurred.


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